Knowing the Employment Plan
Stephanie Ugle, a Wirrpanda Foundation participant, has commenced a fulltime role with AMCAP Australia Supply Chain Management and quickly learned and adapted to the workplace processes necessary to logistics.
Kevin Yapp, General Manager at AMCAP, says he has recognized Steph’s passion to join the workforce and her dedication to the job is in line with the core values at AMCAP.
Steph began her journey with the Foundation in the Plan 2day 4 2morrow program with Fit 4 Work, which is a weekly run session for Indigenous job seekers to improve physical fitness, self-confidence, and employability through networking opportunities. While there she was put into contact with Byran, an employment mentor, who assisted Steph with the specifics of writing a resume, finding training opportunities, and applications to fulltime positions.
The commitment AMCAP has made to Indigenous employment by providing opportunities for full time employment to job seekers strongly supports the mission of the Wirrpanda Foundation. From everyone at the Wirrpanda Foundation, we wish Steph congratulations for her job success and thank Shell for their continuing support of P242; as it was through Steph’s regular attendance at Fit 4 Work that the mentoring and job opportunity became possible.
P242 is supported by Shell.
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