Successfully rejoining the workforce
Natalie has successfully rejoined the workforce through her hard work and commitment to our P242 employment program. “Before I came to the Wirrpanda Foundation I was a stay at home mum, I had a daughter 7 years ago and ended up taking a long time off work. I put it off because I didn’t have the confidence, but coming to work with AJ gave me back that confidence when I applied to Officeworks and got the call back.” Natalie joined our Plan 2day 4 2morrow program with the goal of finding full time employment and was connected to mentor and program coordinator Alicia Jetta. “She made me feel confident again in applying for jobs. I didn’t really have much experience, but she put in a good word. She said to benefit yourself and your child there’s no shame in applying and getting knocked back.” Fit 4 Work, our weekly pre-employment group session, provides a relaxed meeting ground for job seekers to connect with employment mentors. AJ worked with Natalie to find her a suitable role and after only a few weeks was hired at Officeworks where she now works full time. “Starting out I was nervous about the whole system, what to do and the learning side of it. I’m slightly dyslexic, but I haven’t messed up. All my managers have been easy to get along with and I’d actually rather be getting work done than taking days off.” At Officeworks Natalie has been able to grow her skillsets by handling the registers, learning the products in stock, managing her time, and helping customers. Jane the store manager said, “In January, Natalie helped raise almost a third of the stores annual donation to the Smith Family Charity.” “Whatever fears you’ve got going through your head stopping you, ignore them and apply. It’s not as bad as you think it will be and you’ll be surprised when you get the call back, ” Natalie said. AJ will continue to assist Natalie through the rest of the beginning months at her new job. P242 is our pre-employment program supported by Shell, and aims to assist Indigenous job seekers into long-term, meaningful support. |
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