Shania Achieves Her Goals and More

Shania Brockman, a proud Noongar woman has a very clear goal in mind, attaining a full-time job by her birthday in July. When she first came to the Waalitj Foundation her goal was entirely different.

“My goal was to get my learners permit and now I have that and I’m soon to get my P plates.”

“Having my licence will offer me so much independence, I can rely on myself and not anyone else,” said Shania

Through the Foundation’s Employment Enabling Support for Aboriginal Youth, Shania was able to receive 10 driving lessons and the mentoring support she needed to attain her licence. The fund also provided her with smart riders and the necessary uniform for her training course. This successful program is delivered in partnership with the Department of Training and Workforce Development.

Working with her employment mentor Alicia Jetta (AJ), Shania was able to identify these goals and build a plan to achieve them.

“AJ is awesome, she has helped me with so much and I don’t think I would be where I am today without her,” said Shania

AJ was able to help Shania feel more confident in her abilities by completing the SEE Program at Centacare in Cannington to build her literacy and numeracy skills. After completing the course Shania was ready to start building her qualifications, she is currently completing a civil construction course guided along the way with her employment mentor AJ.

“I am so proud to see Shania’s progress and it is really exciting to see her achieve her goals,” said AJ.

Shania’s Civil Construction Trainer/Assessor at Ashley Services Group, Eric Reith said as part of their role they look out for students who show potential and put them forward for roles in the industry. Shania is definitely one of those students.

“Shania is doing very well.  A fantastic student, very keen to learn and is demonstrating some great machine operation skills,” said Eric.

Shania is on track to achieve her goal of gaining employment by her birthday in July and her family as well as AJ couldn’t be prouder.

“I left school in year 8 so completing this course and reaching my goal would mean a lot to me.”

“Knowing that I did something worth the effort and the energy I would be very proud of myself. My mum would be proud of me too, she is my support person and best friend.”

“My journey with the Foundation and my mentor AJ has been wonderful, I have really enjoyed it and I don’t want it to end,” said Shania.

For more information about the Employment Enabling Support For Aboriginal Youth program, click here.

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