Partnering to Empower First Nations People

Partnering to Empower First Nations Australians | Our Plan 2day 4 2morrow program creates greater opportunities for First Nations jobseekers. Our dedicated employment mentors are connectors and advocators, breaking down barriers for employment. We are proud to be delivering this program in the Kwinana, Peel and Upper South-West region in partnership with the Alcoa Foundation.


FIT 4 WORK Locations

KWINANA: Wednesday 10am-12pm Medina Aboriginal Community Centre (MACC), Kwinana

PINJARRA: Fortnightly Tuesday 10am-12pm Murray House, 14 James St Pinjarra WA 6208

WAROONA: Monthly Tuesday 1:30pm, Recreation Centre, 88 Hill Street Waroona 6215

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