Industry Day with Central Regional Tafe
Our Workforce Australia team recently attended an Industry Day at the Central Regional Tafe Kalgoorlie Campus. We were joined by a range of organisations including Main Roads and Freight Lines Group.
Our participants who are enrolled in Heavy Vehicle Driving Operations training had the chance to meet with potential employers and network with business owners in the area.
Workforce Australia is the front door for government employment and skills services, helping Australians to find and keep a job, change jobs or create their own job, connecting employers with job seekers, and a refreshed network of providers to deliver tailored case management.
The Waalitj Foundation mentors deliver the Workforce Australia program in Kalgoorlie with the aim of equipping participants with the skills and knowledge to find meaningful employment.
Participants are offered career guidance, job placement and post-placement support, training and any necessary licensing or identification. This holistic approach ensures each individual is set up for success when entering employment.
Find out more about our Workforce Australia program here.
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