Erika’s Healing Art Journey

Meet Erika! Erika is a 23 year old, Yamatiji Naaguja artist and Waalitj Hub client who was featured in the Waalitj Foundation Wangening Bardip (Healing Stories) Art Exhibition at Central Park Perth this past July. 

Her style is contemporary with lots of colours to represent the vibrancy of her people and culture. Creating her art has healed Erika mentally, helping her reconnect to her culture, keeping her calm and grounded, and providing her with a lot of new opportunities and experiences.  

“My pieces represent different meanings, mostly about my people and connections to the land, and just having the feeling of spirits like my ancestors and everything being around me, and knowing that wherever I am, I’ve got that strong background to me.” 

For Erika, aside being a mother to her 2 year old daughter, starting her art is the best thing she has done, and she is only at the beginning of her journey. She cannot wait to see what awaits her and her daughter as she continues this journey. 

Erika spoke about how her experience with the Waaltij Hub has supported her on this journey. 

“I contacted my auntie for some advice on how she got her art business started and she immediately referred me to the Waalitj Hub. The next thing I know, I’ve got a business coach, which sounded really great. I was like, wow. And then I met Jamie, and it’s been a great journey since, a lot of opportunities, a lot of support, both business wise and personally, a lot more to come. It’s exciting.” 

You can find out more Erika’s artwork and get in touch with her on her Facebook here or Instagram here.

The Waalitj Hub supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people wanting to start, grow or sustain their businesses through a combination of in-house business coaching and access to professional support and is supported by the National Indigenous Australians Agency and Corporate partners. Find out more. 

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