Round Table Supporting Employment Outcomes

Industry leaders joined forces to create greater employment opportunities for First Nations Australians at our round table event.

Hosted by the Waalitj Foundation in partnership with the Alcoa Foundation, guests were welcomed to the AMC Jakovich Function Centre in Kwinana.

The event focused on demonstrating to employers how the Waalitj Foundation Plan 2day 4 2morrow (P242) Employment Program can support organisations in providing meaningful job opportunities and building genuine relationships in local communities.

The discussion was facilitated by Waalitj Foundation staff, Sharrod, Sandy and Mark. Our team led the conversation in acknowledging the complexities and challenges faced by First Nations jobseekers and how organisations can work to improve employment outcomes.

Representatives from a range of industries attended the event including Alcoa Australia, Programmed, Maxima, and Kmart.

Sandy said that the P242 Program works closely with employers to provide meaningful, long-term opportunities for jobseekers.

“It is great to see organisations wanting to make a genuine and purposeful impact. It’s a key aspect of our program that we work with employers to ensure they are culturally safe for our jobseekers and able to provide sustainable outcomes.”

Bill McQuillian, State Logistics Manager for Kmart and Target, spoke on the success of their work with Sandy and the P242 program.

“The Waalitj Foundation have a really good understanding of our business. They have engaged with us and really understand what we do day to day. They have worked closely with us to find candidates that are fitting to the business and the support we have received has been absolutely amazing.

For one of our most recent intakes, Sandy was down at the Distribution Centre, making sure they have got mobile phones, transport to work, and all those other bits and pieces. It’s been a great success.” 

Plan 2day 4 2morrow (P242) is a pre-employment program assisting Indigenous job seekers in the Perth Metropolitan, Peel, and Goldfields regions of Western Australia. P242 focuses on improving employability of Indigenous job seekers through the development of foundation skills and work readiness. Program delivery combines weekly pre-employment group sessions (Fit 4 Work) with individual mentoring support. Find out more.

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