Increasing Employment Outcomes with Alcoa

Our Plan 2day 4 2morrow (P242) program creates greater opportunities for First Nations jobseekers. Our dedicated employment mentors are connectors and advocators, breaking down barriers for employment.
With over 400 jobseekers attending in the last year, our Fit4Work sessions are a part of the Foundation’s P242 program which is delivered across multiple Kwinana, Peel and Upper South West regions thanks to our partnership with the Alcoa Foundation.
Community Engagement Coordinator, Sharrod Wellingham, talked on the support from the Alcoa Foundation and the impact it has had on the P242 program.
“The importance of the Alcoa Foundation for the P242 program is massive. It enables us to go out into the community and do some really good stuff through their presence. With their stretch in the Peel region and the Upper South West, they open up a lot of doors for us. We are doing things now that we wouldn’t have been able to do in the past.”
Our employment mentors assist participants with building the confidence and capabilities needed to secure meaningful and sustainable employment. Whether this is running mock interviews, creating resumes, or helping with transport, the Waalitj team provide a culturally safe and supportive environment.
Fit4Work participant, Natalie Holten, said that when she first came to the Foundation, she lacked direction and confidence in herself but through the support of the P242 program, and her employment mentor Sandy, she not only has more of sense of her life goals and what she wants to achieve, but also the confidence to go out and do it.
“I was very shy and not that outspoken, I didn’t know what I wanted to do but now I have more focus and direction of what I want to achieve in my life. Now, I’m doing a course, I’m getting interviews for traineeships and I mentally feel a lot better. I’ve found new confidence in myself, I’ve done things that I used to be fearful of and I have conquered them. I feel that I am a better person now. I feel like I can reach my goals and dreams and do the job that I have been wanting to do.”
Watch the video below to find out more about the P242 program and hear from Natalie on her experience.
Plan 2day 4 2morrow (P242) is a pre-employment program assisting Indigenous job seekers including weekly pre-employment group sessions (Fit 4 Work) with individual mentoring support. P242 focuses on improving employability of Indigenous job seekers through the development of foundation skills and work readiness. We are proud to be delivering this program in Kwinana, Peel and Upper South West regions of Western Australia in partnership with the Alcoa Foundation. Find out more.
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