Proud Deadly Sista Girlz Mentor

The role of a mentor within the Deadly Sista Girlz (DSG) program centres around guiding the next generation of strong and confident First Nation’s women. In 17 school across Australia the program empowers over a thousand students.

Two full time mentors are based at each school, providing ongoing support and guidance for the First Nations students. We are proud that 100% of staff within the DSG program are First Nation’s women. This is very important to the Waalitj Foundation as it provides a role model and the cultural security needed for First Nation’s students.

The DSG program focuses on improving school engagement, building self-confidence, cultural contribution to the community and women’s health. Mentors offer a stable and supportive environment where students feel comfortable asking questions and yarning about health, drug and alcohol abuse and healthy relationships, amongst other important topics.            

Deadly Sista Girlz Coordinator, Kaitlyn said she endeavours to create a positive environment where students feel culturally safe and motivated to strive for their best in school.

“My main focus in the role is maintaining an above average school attendance, engagement and school grades and I’m proud to say that the work that has been done has paid off thanks to my girls meeting me half way.”

“When I see my girls, I see a little bit of myself in each of them and it makes me reflect a lot on my own high schooling days and that I wish I had a coordinator like me to help me through high school,” said Kaitlyn.

Kaitlyn plays a very important role at Thornbury High School in Victoria, being one of the only mentors in the state that deliver this type of wrap around program.

From year 7 to the end of their schooling, DSG students have the stability and motivation from their mentor to realise and achieve their personal goals. Through one-on-one discussions or group activities students are given the scope to see their potential and continue to grow.

The Foundation is proud to see our graduating Deadly Sista Girlz go into a world full of new opportunities. It is a privilege for our mentors to be a part of their journey and empower the next generation of First Nations leaders.

For more information about the Deadly Sista Girlz program click here. 

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