
Using a comprehensive suite of tailored, culturally competent and evidence-based reintegration services, ReSet provides support to men and women while in prison and after leaving prison.

The Foundation’s ReSet team specialise in the employment and education space of the program, and work closely with other providers using a throughcare model aimed at addressing individual barriers to employment that a person exiting the justice system may be facing.

group of people facing away from the camera in hard hats and high vis on a building site

participants assisted into employment since January 2022

participants currently being mentored

participants assisted into further training opportunities since January 2022

participants assisted into employment since January 2022

participants currently being mentored

participants assisted into further training opportunities since January 2022

Our ReSet Reintegration Program forms part of a consortium of partners including Wungening Aboriginal Corporation, Centrecare and St Bartholomews House.

The program covers connecting with family, community, positive parenting relationships, adjusting to life after prison, finding a place to live and preparing for work.

The employment and training team engage daily with appropriately referred clients by the Department of Justice both in custody and in the community. Mentors assist participants with mapping out their own individual pathway plans, identifying training needs, job search training, interview skills and resume writing ultimately leading to sustainable and long term employment.

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